C++ Low Latency / High Frequency Programming Blog

Posted on 7 July, 2024

Efficient Memory Management

Ever wondered how to make memory management more efficient and faster?

  1. How to Write Custom Allocators
  2. How to Write Custom Allocators for STL Containers
  3. The Advantages of Using HugePages
  4. How to Avoid Cache Misses
  5. What is CAT (Cache Allocation Technology) and How to Best Use It

Gain a deep understanding of all these topics by joining our flagship course. Read more at www.hackwise.io.

Mastering Market Data Processing in Low Latency High-Frequency C++ Applications

Posted on June 29, 2024

Ever wondered how to process market data in low latency, high-frequency C++ applications? Dive into the intricacies of market data feeds and discover efficient processing techniques.

L1, L2, or L3 Market Data Feeds?

Understand the different levels of market data feeds: Level 1 (L1), Level 2 (L2), and Level 3 (L3). Learn how each level impacts your trading strategies and data processing methods.

Market by Price, Market by Level, or Market by Order Feeds?

Explore the various types of market data feeds: Market by Price, Market by Level, and Market by Order. Determine which feed suits your application needs and trading objectives.

Order Books, Snapshot Books, Delta Books, Price Level Books?

Discover the differences between Order Books, Snapshot Books, Delta Books, and Price Level Books. Learn how to choose the right type for your trading strategies and data analysis.

How Does Market Data Arbitration Work?

Gain insights into market data arbitration and how it affects your data processing. Understand the techniques to efficiently manage and reconcile data from multiple sources.

Efficiently Processing Market Data in Your Strategies

Learn the best practices for efficiently processing market data within your trading strategies. Optimize your C++ applications to handle high-frequency data with minimal latency.

Get a deep understanding of all these topics by joining our flagship course. Read more at www.hackwise.io.

Unlocking the Secrets of Kernel Bypass

Posted on June 28, 2024

Ever wondered how kernel bypass is implemented and how it works?

Is Onload the Only Way?

When it comes to kernel bypass, many options are available. Should you use Onload, or are there other alternatives?

Choosing the Right Hardware

Deciding on the right hardware can be crucial. Consider options like Solarflare, Mellanox, and ExaNIC. But how do you make the right choice?

TCP Direct or EF_VI?

Which software approach is best for your needs: TCP Direct or EF_VI? Learn about the differences and benefits of each.

Onload or VMA?

Onload and VMA are popular solutions for kernel bypass. Which one should you choose? We’ll break down the pros and cons of both.

Building Your Own TCP/IP Stack

Why do firms write their own TCP/IP stacks? If you decide to go this route, discover how to integrate it with your hardware for optimal performance.

Get a deep understanding of all these topics by joining our flagship course. Read more at www.hackwise.io.